Evidence requirements specify what a learner must provide to demonstrate their achievement of the learning outcomes.
Guaranteed job interview
Boost career prospects through upskilling
Develop knowledge, skills and confidence
Personalised career support
Engaging and interactive activities
Skills Bootcamp Eligibility
You may be eligible to apply for a Skills Bootcamp if you:
are aged 19 or over
have the right to work in the UK
live in England
meet residency requirements – the training provider can check this
If you claim Universal Credit, you can apply and continue to claim benefits.
Some Skills Bootcamps have additional eligibility criteria.
Once you complete the course, you’ll be guaranteed a job interview. If you’re self-employed, you’ll be able to use the training to seek new opportunities for your business. If you’re being supported by your current employer to complete the Skills Bootcamp then you’ll be offered a new role or new responsibilities.
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